Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021

by Aimée Zito Lema

Argentine-Dutch artist Aimée Zito Lema delved into the archives of the Oude Kerk. Interested in moments in history when people resisted, two events in the Oude Kerk caught her eye. The iconoclasm, which took place in the Oude Kerk on 23 August 1566, and the installation of a red window by artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò in the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre, where a lengthy court case on 17 March 2020 and a ruling by the Council of State, caused long-standing opposition. The traces of both conflicts formed the basic material for Zito Lema's new work, which consisted of photography, sculptures, textile works, poetry, and an installation with basins.

The imagery of the installation (construction lamps, scaffolding) was reminiscent of restoration work going on forever in the church, symbolising of both change and resisting change. You saw water basins with photos and building elements, you heard poems being spoken, and wandering through the church you came across a number of sculptures incorporating photos on paper. Two elaborate textile works hung in the high choir. All these elements together reflected on how memory works for an individual and for a group.

A small presentation of work by Argentinian artist León Ferrari (1920-2013) took place, to which the work of Aimée Zito Lema connects. She grew up with his work and revisited his work during the first lockdown. Throughout her research for this exhibition, questions about the relationship between image and language were in the context of resistance. And so this new parallel with his work caught her eye. With his poems, collages and even a letter to the pope, Ferrari warned against a "cruelty intimately mixed with the kindness that covers it. The artist's personal life, relationship to religion and geopolitical developments of his time are recognisable in the selected works.

Materials Prints, water basins, sculptures, water, text, paper

Fragments of a process

Explore the elements of the work

photographic prints Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Photographic Works
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Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Basins
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poëzie Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Poetry
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Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Footnote, León Ferrari
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Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Symposium – Art and Resistance
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Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Sculptures
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Here Is Where We Meet | Aimée Zito Lema, 2021: Textile
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Column Paintings
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Artist Aimée Zito Lema was captivated by the empty spaces on the pillars, as they displayed the traces of resistance. The visible absence of the sculptures was one of the many footprints of age-old conflicts in the church. These conflicts over heritage continue in other forms in the present. Nonetheless, this is only one of the sites where the effects of struggle on the church were visible, as there were far more traces present. Zito Lema investigated the Oude Kerk up unto the attic for her research, as she used these elements to develop her site-specific works, which were on display in the Oude Kerk in 2021.
collectie oude kerk Red Window in the Holy Sepulchre
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Aimee Zito Lema was interested in the Oude Kerk as a place of conlifct, transformation, and memory. In order to explore instances of polemics in the history of the church, Zito Lema also took a closer look at the loud controversies around the installing of the red stained glass window in the Holy Sepulhre chapel - a work by the Italian artist Giorgio Andreotta Caló that itself also addressed a conflict situtation: the Iconoclastic Fury. Zito Lema investigated the texts (legal documents, news aritcles, opinion of neighbors, etc.) of social resistance and used them as source materials for her poetry works.
Kunst is Lang with Aimée Zito Lema
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The World After: Conversation Pieces | Aimeé Zito Lema: Newness, 2020
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Identifiers for references

Oude kerk Adlib Collect priref 2166