
As a national heritage site, the Oude Kerk is part of a nationalistic narrative. Hence, places like the Oude Kerk are fundamental to a feeling of national identity, which demands these 'monuments' to be kept in their original and authentic state. However, the attributed originality and authenticity are highly problematic. Additionally, examples of a nationalistic attitude in the church are the decorated graves where the so-called Dutch heroes are buried. These places are reminders of sentiments that are still present in the Dutch society of today. Moreover, nationalism is also part of the motivations that have resulted in these individuals colonizing the land and subduing the locals of these regions in the first place. One of the most prolific examples of this is Jacob van Heemskerck, who has the reputation of a heroic explorer. However, excluded in this narrative is the subsequent establishment of colonialism.
Today, nationalism and pride hinder the critical examination of many of the narratives concerning heroification. This can be seen in the public debate when talking about the removal of certain statues and street names of national ‘heroes’ who are connected to the Dutch colonial endeavor. Here, it is the colonial past that is shaping our present and national identity today. Since this is a heated debate, it is important to reflect on one’s positionality. As such, shaping this archive as a Dutch national is certainly something to take into account. How do you think your positionality influences your opinion on this subject?