Enclosed Porch

by unknown

This enclosed porch is situated at the westend of the church, in front of the passageway to the rooms used by the Oude Kerk congregation. This wooden porch originates from the Nieuwezijdskapel, also known as the Kapel Ter Heilige Stede – the Chapel at the Holy Citadel, which was decommissioned in 1908. An inscription on the inside of the portal commemorates the move to the Oude Kerk in that same year. The corners of the portal are decorated with six spiralling finials, which symbolically point to heaven.

Period 17th century
Dimensions H. ca. 500 cm, b. ca. 400 cm, d. ca. 250 cm
Notes in 1912 overgebracht uit de Nieuwezijdskapel.
Location Noorderzijbeuk
Number of parts 1

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Enclosed Porch
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Identifiers for references

Oude kerk Adlib Collect priref 1872