Rose Windows Stained Glass

by Carla Wenckebach

In 1970, artist Carla Wenckebach made two round stained-glass windows to the sides of the choir above the mayor’s windows. They depict a dove with an olive branch above the flood, returning to Noah’s Ark, and a crescent moon – Alpha and Omega and a basket with loaves of bread and fish.

Fire painting is a form of glass art. In the Middle Ages, the windows of churches were all or part stained glass held together in lead strips. As a result, light entered the church space in all sorts of sparkling colors. The Oude Kerk had a total of 33 stained glass windows, most from the fifteenth century and sixteenth century, four from the seventeenth century and one from the eighteenth century. The windows in the Lady Chapel, where one of the round stained-glass windows is placed, are the oldest, albeit in altered and greatly restored form.

Period 20th century
Location Noorderzijbeuk
Number of parts 2

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Identifiers for references

Oude kerk Adlib Collect priref 1922