
Art, architecture and religion have been shaping the spatial experience of the Oude Kerk for centuries. The unique acoustics of the church interior as well as the breathtaking architecture that serves as scenery for the rhythmic circulation of light and shade made the church an exceptional place for spiritual experience and rituals. As the artistic program of the Oude Kerk became more and more elaborated in the past years, new rituals were initiated and practiced to give new forms of these spiritual experiences.

A Square Spoken
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Geometry of the Scattering | Germaine Kruip, 2015: Kannadi (from Square to Circle)
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Column Untitled
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Come Closer: performance DNK ensemble en geometrische performance Waèl el Allouche
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Come Closer: klankschalen kees huges en performatieve lezing door Valery Vermeulen
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The Garden Which Is the Nearest to God | Taturo Atzu, 2015
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Into the Air | Marinus Boezem, 2016
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Into the Air | Marinus Boezem, 2016: Labyrinth
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Into the Air | Marinus Boezem, 2016: Meteorieten
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